Monday, 14 April 2014


Disco Singh is a Punjabi movie with a story of a struggling singer playerd by Diljit Sosanjh as Lattuprasad who is inspired by his parents. But, in irony, there isn’t much of inspiration in his life. He earns his livelihood by performing in marriages and parties, he runs an orchestra band by the name of Disco Singh but isn’t successful. There are only two things Lattu dreams of, one is success and other is Sweety. The role of Sweety is played by Surveen Chawla who in the movie is a successful and beautiful model. Lattu prays a lot to God to send someone to help him realize his dreams to reality.

Eventually God does listen but instead of sending an angel he send Bhupinder Singh aka Paaji played by manoj pahwa, who is a don and can be related to Yamraj. He asks Lattu for a favor in return of all the money which Lattu wants, greed of money makes him agree to it, and so begins the journey of Lattu who’s motive is to woo Sweety and save himself from Paaji. As the movie rolls, things start getting complicated for Lattu. Watch the movie to see how he manages to red rid of all these pangas.

The movie is not as good as previous movies of Diljit Sosanjh like “Jatt & Juliet”, but still manages to keep up the humor level. This movie is sure watchable which will give you a heartily laugh when you come out of cinema theater.

Rating :